Tiger Neo 440Wp TOPCon N-Type 54 Rectangular cell Monocrystalline All Black
Part No: JKM440N-54HL4R-B
Supplier: Jinko
Category: Modules -
Better light trapping and current collection to improve module power output and reliability.
The N-type module with Hot 2.0 technology has better reliability and lower LID/LETID.
Excellent Anti-PID performance guarantee via optimized mass-production process and materials control.
Certified to withstand: wind load (2400 Pascal) and snow load (5400 Pascal).
Durability Against Extreme Environmental Conditions, High salt mist and ammonia resistance.
- JKM420-440N-54HL4R-B-F4-EN
- UKCA-all-series 2023
- MCS-BABT-8801-Issue-1-Jinko-Solar-Co.-Ltd.-29.11.2022
- IEC-62759-12015_CERT6142958A.50-DTA-121257-REV.4. 2023
- CE-EMC-SG-1000V-1500V_2022-11-04
- DMS_CE-CE-Declaration_V1.0_TUV-Sud_Nov-22-EN-DE
- DMS_Single-Glass-IEC61215. IEC61730_2022-12-23
- Cert of compliance
- PID 62804 Single Glass (1000V & 1500V).
- CN21ZV5F 001 EMC 090221
- JKMxxx-JinkoSolar Photovoltaic Module
- JKMxxx-JinkoSolar Photovoltaic Module
- Unpacking and Storage Instruction-EN
- 230810-OM-Manual
- Installation-Manual-Jinko-IEC-updated-version-2023.12.10
- Jinko Solar 2024