Roof hook Eco A 45 Max
Part No: SLT-100020-100
Supplier: Schletter
Category: Mounting -
The new ECO A 45 ROOF HOOK
EcoA aluminium roof hook will cover a wide range of applications on tiled roofs in future. It makes quick and flexible installation possible by hooking in and is fastened with just one Torx pan head screw. The assembly is simplified by an additional feature: First, only the screw-on plate is mounted on the rafters and the bracket is only snapped in afterwards. At the same time, it can be combined with all common Schletter profiles
Product Features
- Material: Aluminium
- Fastening with a pan head screw
- Variable bridge arrangement
- Hook on: Our new EcoA roof hook is faster to install than ever.
10 Year Warranty
- Wood screw edge distances
- Schletter General Planning Installation
- Autocalculator Software
- SLT - CE Steal Structures
- Designing a Schletter system
- Schletter Standard Product Sheet
- Eco A 45 Roof Hook
- Schletter Proline
- Schletter Flyer Proline
- EcoA Roof Hook Test Report
- Schletter Component Overview 2021
- Certification for Aluminium 2021
- Schletter Test Certificate 2021
- Schletter 2021
- Schletter Proline Roof Hooks
- Schletter 22