Fox ECS 4.14kWh HV Battery (Master)
Part No: FE-HV-ECM-4300
Supplier: Fox
Category: Storage -
Fox ECS - High Voltage Battery (Master)
ECS is a high-performance, scalable battery storage system. The modular design allows for maximum flexibility, making it suitable for a broad range of storage applications. Additional batteries can be installed in series, allowing for a maximum storage capacity of 29.03 kWh. Installation is easy, with a plug and play solution that can save valuable time for installers.
- 4.14kWh Capacity
- Scalable to 29.03Wh
- 90% Depth of Discharge
- Wide Temperature Tolerence
- Easy Installation
- CAN/RS485 Communication
- High Voltage
Don't forget: You must register your install with Fox online to activate the 12 year product warranty, otherwise it's 5 years as standard. Please click here for registration page. Please check the warranty document for more information.
- FOX ECS 4300 EN
- FOX ECS 4300 DE
- (Attestation of Conformity) ECS 2.9/4.1/4.3
- Fox ESS Battery Warranty v2.7 EN
- FOX ECS 4300H V1.3 EN
- FOX ESS Cyber Security
- Fox ESS ECS Batteries
- Why Fox?
- Fox Battery Sizing Guide EN
- Fox ESS Battery V4.0
- Fox ESS ECM4300 EN
- Fox ESS ECM4300 EN