Smart Ease payment solutions

FINANCE: Smart Ease

Payment Solutions for commercial systems

Smart Ease are a specialist payment partner for solar, energy-efficiency and smart-tech equipment. They offer a complete range of payment solutions on a fast and easy digital platform, alongside outstanding customer service and expert support.

With over 10,000 projects funded in the past 10 years, and international operations in the UK, Ireland, Australia, and New Zealand, Smart Ease are an installers first choice to help compete their projects.

Smart Ease fund energy efficiency technologies and equipment, including:
– Solar power and storage
– EVs and EV chargers
– Heat pumps

The Answer to Commercial Funding

Accredited Smart Ease Channel Partners can easily offer their commercial customers a full suite of payment solutions – a win for their customers and a win for them. You can easily become an accredited Channel Partner by registering through the Smart Ease website. 93% of applications are pre-approved on the spot.

Close more deals – faster! – Channel Partners accelerate their close rate by eliminating cost-based objections – once and for all
On-the-spot approval – 93% of finance applications are pre-approved in less than 5 minutes – and 7 out of 10 are ultimately funded.
Keeping cash flowing – Smart Ease Channel Partners receive 100% payment within 24–48 hours of installation.

Payment Solutions for every kind of energy-efficiency project.

– Payment Plan (Rental OR Hire Purchase)
– Power Purchase Agreement (PPA)

The financial benefits of Smart Ease’s payment solutions are clear, with cost control of energy bills, free up capital, tax benefits, and positive cash-flow to name a few.

OpenSolar logo

Smart Ease has also partnered with Segen’s long-term partner, OpenSolar.

– Channel Partners can offer hire purchase and rental Payment Plans directly through the online proposal.
– Customers can apply direct through OpenSolar

Ready to supercharge your sales?
Find out how it works in the on-demand webinar below: